Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Workshop

De Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
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ICube Data Science and Artificial Intelligence


Thursday November 7th, 2019

9:00am - 15:30pm


ICube Laboratory, 300 Bd Sébastien Brant, 67400 Illkirch-Graffenstaden
(Room A207).

Google map direction


If you want to attend the workshop, please register here: [link]

Temporary program

Texte de l’en-tête Texte de l’en-tête Texte de l’en-tête
Texte de la cellule Texte de la cellule Texte de la cellule
Texte de la cellule Texte de la cellule Texte de la cellule
Texte de la cellule Texte de la cellule Texte de la cellule
09:00 Introduction
Romain Orhand CSTB Towards autonomy and explainability in Artificial Intelligence
Vinkle Srivastav AVR Human Pose Estimation on Privacy-Preserving Low-Resolution Depth Images

3 Pascal Guehl IGG Creative AI for Texture Synthesis 4 Hugo Gangloff IMAGeS Automatic Segmentation of Atherosclerotic Cross-Sections of Arteries with Deep Learning 5 Yves-Andre Chapuis MaCEPV Accelerated Development of Materials and Devices via Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence 6 Pei Zhang CSIP Inventive design in AI context 7 Enagnon Aguénounon IPP Fast spatial frequency imaging parameters extraction using generative network 8 Morgan MADEC SMH Optical recognition of bacteria 10:30 Break 11:00 1 Emmanuelle Claeys SDC Reinforcement learning with time series 2 Anne Jeannin-Girardon CSTB Transfer Learning: review and recent advances 3 Bertrand Goldman Other Stellar streams in the Gaia mission area 4 Chinedu Nwoye AVR Weakly-supervised convolutional LSTM approach for surgical tool tracking in laparoscopic videos. 5 Xin Ni CSIP An approach merging the IDM-related knowledge 6 Michal Parusinski Other AI at SERTIT for remote sensing 12:20 Lunch 14:00 1 Argheesh Bhanot IMAGeS Online dictionary learning for single-subject fMRI data unmixing 2 Birgitta Dresp-Langley IGG The quantization error in the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) output as a diagnostic tool for single-pixel change in complex patterns 3 Hyewon Seo Other Generating 3D Facial Expressions with RNN 4 Simon Chatelin AVR Machine learning for elasticity imaging in biological soft tissue 5 Stella MARC-ZWECKER SDC Spatio-temporal data modeling using graphs 6 Thomas Weber CSTB RADMEL: An ensemble predictor to reveal disease-relevant missense variants with low degree of uncertainty 7 Baptiste Lafabregue SDC A comparison of unsupervised representation learning methods for time series